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Helping local government create effective strategies with lasting impact

Bringing together the knowledge, skills, resources and energy of local residents, businesses, the voluntary sector, partners and council staff
Traditional top-down approaches to strategy development lack community and partner buy-in, leading to mistrust, inefficiencies and missed opportunities to create positive impact. 

However, policy teams supporting senior leaders, often lack the capacity, skills or experience to create, facilitate and bring together a strategy in a new way. 


People Powered Strategies provides a proven process and expertise to help. Through collaborative approaches, we work with you to facilitate meaningful engagement, creating strategies and plans that people can get behind. 

Benefits of working with us


Hear from a diverse range of voices


Strengthen Partnerships


Build trust

A clear engagement plan which reaches those less often heard  

A process that secures buy-in from partners from the beginning

Open, transparent and human approach


Informed decision making

Insights that are backed up by data


Making to most of your teams knowledge

Working in partnership with your teams - bringing knowledge and experience together

Engage diverse perspectives 

Director Adult's Services

“I just wanted to also personally say thank you for your work with us and your support to me. You are greatly respected by all the people you have worked with...You have left us a great platform to develop from.”


Does it take too long to involve people?

It will take more time upfront, but with experience it can be done at pace. It will save time over the longer term, as you will be focusing time and resources on the right things and will already have buy-in. 

Will the strategy be based on emotions rather than evidence-based analysis? 

We believe insights from people who the strategy aims to serve is an important part of the evidence based. These insights will also be tested against data. 

How do you manage conflicting interest? 

People will have different views. Our approach focuses on proactive facilitation, to identify common ground, explore trade-offs, and find mutually acceptable solutions.

Is public engagement expensive? 

It can be tailored to fit budget and how many people you want your reach. 


We also have different service packages depending on your needs and resources.  

Will the public understand enough to really contribute? 

This is about bringing different knowledge together. The public have lived experience that is invaluable. Council staff and partners also have valuable knowledge to contribute. 

How can we get buy-in from partners? 

Key elements of the approach include: 

 - Creating shared ownership through processes. 

 - Early and ongoing dialogue based on mutual respect. 

 - Identifying shared goals, normally through a focus on the views of the public. 


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